Futuverse Economy

Simulation of real-world scenarios

In the Futuverse™, the virtual world closely simulates real-life conditions where survival hinges on energy. Just like in the physical world, where humans need energy to obtain food, water, and shelter to survive, avatars in this virtual environment need energy to continue existing. This direct dependence on energy makes the virtual experience uniquely realistic and engaging.

Core Economic and Governance Principles

The main pillars of the economy inside the Futuverse™ as follows:

  1. Energy as a Basic Necessity: In this virtual environment, energy acts much like does in the physical world, where energy is needed to obtain food, water and other critical needs for humans to survive and thrive. Each avatar must secure enough energy to meet their basic survival needs. If they fail to gather enough energy, just as people might suffer without adequate food or water, the avatars face the risk of “dying,” which in game terms means they temporarily cease to exist or participate in the virtual world.
  2. Earning and Using Energy: Avatars can earn energy by engaging in various activities, such as completing tasks or participating in challenges that might range from constructing buildings to solving puzzles or collaborating in groups. This not only makes the ecosystem interactive but also incentivizes players to be active contributors to the community’s economy and well-being. The path to earn energy inside the ecosystem is through participating and succeeding in Missions or through Certifications associated with the Futuverse education programs.
  3. Trading and Economy: The energy earned or produced can also be traded in a marketplace, mirroring a real economy where goods and services are exchanged. This adds a layer of strategy as players must manage their resources wisely, deciding when to save, spend, or trade energy based on their needs and the evolving market conditions.
  4. Conditional Asset Ownership: Unique to Futuverse™, owning virtual property or assets comes with conditions: properties must be utilized effectively to generate energy. This mechanism prevents speculation and encourages productive use, ensuring that all assets contribute positively to the community. It’s akin to requiring landowners in the real world to use their land responsibly and sustainably.

This economic model, where survival and success depend on effectively managing a fundamental resource like energy, offers a compelling, educational, and engaging way for players to understand and appreciate the complexities of real-world economics and resource management. The Futuverse™ provides a platform where virtual experiences yield real insights.

In Futuverse™, governance is intricately linked with the virtual economy, forming a participatory and democratic system where users influence the management and development of the environment. This system is designed to mirror real-world governance with an emphasis on digital interaction and community involvement.
  1. Participatory Governance: Members are empowered to discuss and vote on various issues in open forums, making decisions that range from resource management to new community facilities. This open participation is facilitated by blockchain technology, with each user connected through a unique blockchain wallet, ensuring secure and identifiable participation.
  2. Economic Impact: Governance decisions directly influence the virtual economy. For instance, building new facilities can increase resource demand, affecting asset allocation and economic stability.
  3. Asset-Based Voting and Roles: Specific virtual assets and governance roles, represented as NFTs, grant voting powers and responsibilities. These roles are linked to users’ wallets and can be transferred or acquired, providing a flexible and secure governance structure.
  4. Dynamic Decision-Making: Governance within Futuverse mimics a scientific approach where community members actively participate in stages—from proposing changes to evaluating impacts. This process ensures that decisions are reflective of community needs and are made after careful consideration.
  5. Equitable and Balanced Governance: To prevent disparities, voting power is regulated to ensure no single player dominates. Conditional asset ownership requires that properties are used beneficially, promoting a productive and cooperative community environment.
  6. Conditional Ownership and Usage: The governance model enforces rules about asset usage. Property owners must use their assets in ways that benefit the community, such as by generating energy or providing services. Failure to meet these conditions can lead to a loss of property rights, ensuring that all assets are used productively and for the collective good.
  7. Incentives for Active Participation: To foster engaging and productive discussions, outstanding community contributions are recognized with medals, incentivizing meaningful participation and leadership.
  8. Community-Driven Development: The governance model fosters community and collective responsibility, with users acting as stewards of the virtual world. This not only promotes active participation but also teaches users about the complexities of governance and economic interdependence in a dynamic, engaging way.
By integrating governance with economic activities, Futuverse™ creates a vibrant virtual world where community involvement is crucial to sustainability and growth. The future of Futuverse is shaped by its users, with governance decisions directly affecting the virtual economy and the societal structure of virtual worlds.

The Futuverse™ defines a Power Unit (PU) as the unit of energy required per person to exist in the environment. The more efficient the society is with their energy production or consumption (higher EROI), the less Power Units the same individual will require to exist. Additionally, the better lifestyle an individual decides to have inside the social ecosystem, the more Power Units the same person will require to achieve such a life. Each extreme environment has different resources and hazards, so each world has a different daily consumption of Power Units. Here are the requirements of PU per month in each of the Futuverse worlds (“Minimum World PU Requirement”):
  • Onteco Mars: 360 Power Units / month per person
  • Thalassa Floating City on Earth: 36 Power Units / month per person
  • Pyrarx Desert City on Earth: 54 Power Units / month per person
  • Onteco Moon: 144 Power Units / month per person
  • Ashia Nuclear Winter: 126 Power Units / month per person
As living in Extreme Environments is very dangerous, its inhabitants and visitors need to cooperate to survive. The Futuverse’s single social structure is called a Brigade, and its main goal is to win competitions (against other Brigades or against AI) to get rewards in the form of PU. Competition through collaboration is the core socio-economic structure inside the Futuverse.

Operational Mechanics and Currency

The internal economy within the Worlds of Futuverse is founded on a key component called the Power Unit (PU), which is backed by Blockchain’s proof-of-stake technology. This platform’s utility token mirrors an economy that emphasizes energy efficiency and sustainability. The PU does not carry financial value, emphasizing its role in facilitating gameplay and interaction rather than monetary profit. Conceptually, the Power Unit (PU) within Futuverse is defined as the standard deviation-adjusted product of Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint. This metric underscores the sustainability aspect of the economy, emphasizing the balance between efficient energy use and environmental impact. As the various modules within Futuverse worlds are developed, their capacity to produce PUs increases, enhancing the city’s operational capabilities and resource management. PUs are generated through daily activities performed by settlers, termed PU Mining. This mining translates directly into the functionality of the city and its resource consumption dynamics. For example, PUs might be necessary for settlers to access essential resources like oxygen. The daily generation of PUs occurs through interactive gameplay where players engage in tasks that boost production. Settlers earn these vital units by performing specific roles or missions, effectively making each player a contributor to the colony’s survival. Players can choose roles such as farmers, engineers, or resource managers, each integral to the colony’s efficiency and sustainability. Additionally, an early bird bonus is available for first colonists, granting them access to resource-rich lands that yield higher PU output. This incentivizes early and active participation. As the Futuverse economy is fundamentally designed to support cooperative gameplay within Brigades, opportunities for solo players are also thoughtfully integrated. Solo participants can contribute to the community by creating and selling digital assets or art via the Marketplace. They can also obtain certifications for specific skills that enhance the efficiency of community resources. For example, a certification as an “Improvement Engineer” might enable a player to upgrade solar panels to increase their energy output, thereby producing more PUs than standard units. These certified specialists can be contracted by Brigades for specialized tasks, with compensation in PUs for their services.

Futuverse introduces Futuro™, a digital fungible token that serves as the operational currency within the platform. This ERC20 token is pivotal in facilitating various economic activities within the metaverse, including funding, citizenship acquisition, resource access, participation in cultural events, and commercial endeavors.

  1. Platform Funding: Futuro™ is utilized to finance the construction of settlements and the execution of community-approved initiatives, playing a crucial role in the development and expansion of the Futuverse.
  2. Citizenship Acquisition: Community members can acquire citizenship within the Futuverse using Futuros. During the initial phase, alternative cryptocurrencies might also be accepted until Futuros are minted and operational.
  3. Resource Access and Participation: Gaining entry to the Futuverse and acquiring necessary Power Units (PUs) for active participation are facilitated through the exchange of Futuros.
  4. Cultural and Community Events: Access to various events within the Futuverse, such as lectures, concerts, and exhibitions, is granted through Futuros, which can be converted into PUs as needed for event participation.
  5. Commercial Participation: Organizations seeking to establish a presence within the Futuverse and expand into Web 3.0 can utilize Futuros to secure advertising spaces, sponsor events, and other forms of engagement within the virtual world.

As an ERC20 token, Futuro™ will be purchased with other cryptocurrencies, allowing for a seamless integration into the broader digital currency ecosystem. This interoperability enhances the accessibility of the Futuverse to a wider audience, familiar with cryptocurrency transactions.

Users holding Futuros have the flexibility to trade these tokens on various cryptocurrency exchanges where they can be exchanged for other cryptocurrencies or stablecoins. Stablecoins, which are typically pegged to fiat currencies like the USD, provide a pathway for converting Futuros into fiat money, mirroring traditional financial systems within digital frameworks.

By enabling these transactions, Futuverse will ensure that its economy is not only vibrant and self-sustaining but also interconnected with the global digital economy, facilitating both entry and exit points for capital in the form of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

In the Futuverse, users do not have direct access to Power Units (PU); instead, they must initially acquire them using Futuros. This system ensures that all new users, referred to as “Travelers,” are equipped with a minimal amount of PUs, enabling them to integrate into teams and become productive members of the digital extreme environment.

Once inside the Futuverse with their initial allotment of PUs, users can fully engage with the Digital Environment. They can earn additional PU through participating in Missions and obtaining Certifications. Every month, each user consumes a “Minimum World PU Requirement.” If a user’s supply of PUs falls short, their avatar will expire unless they acquire more PUs. This necessity can be met by purchasing additional PUs with Futuros.

The core economic loop of the simulation (game) is as follows:

Circulation of PUs is most important part of the Core Simulation Loop

The relationship between Futuros and PUs is bidirectional, meaning that while users can purchase PUs with Futuros, they can also convert their accumulated PUs back into Futuros. This flexibility allows users to manage their resources according to their needs and goals within the ecosystem. Moreover, the conversion of Futuros into stable cryptocurrencies and eventually into fiat currency is facilitated through a marketplace. This system mirrors real-world economic activities, offering users a realistic and educational platform to engage with virtual economics and understand the implications of resource management and investment decisions. This economic model not only incentivizes participation and collaboration but also educates users on the complexities of managing digital and real-world resources.

Tokenomics refers to the economics of tokens within digital ecosystems, such as the Futuverse™. It encompasses the rules, policies, and incentives that govern the creation, distribution, and usage of digital tokens. For a summary of how these principles are applied to create a vibrant and engaging virtual world in the Futuverse, please visit our Tokenomics section:

Community and Rewards

The Futuverse™ economy thrives on a dynamic reward system that promotes community development and active participation. There are three main Memberships (user types) within the Futuverse™, each with unique roles and privileges:

  • Tier 1. Tourists: New or casual users who engage with the ecosystem without owning digital assets.
  • Tier 2. Explorers: These users own a World ID, can form teams (Brigades), and participate in governance decisions to a limited extent. They enjoy all privileges of Tourists.
  • Tier 3. Citizens: Owners of virtual real estate with significant roles in the governance of their respective worlds. They possess all the privileges of Explorers.

While some missions distribute the rewards evenly, other missions, such as those that are group oriented (Brigades), have a different distribution based on the Tier of the player and the result of the Brigade vs other teams.

Each Futuverse world features a structured economy centered around diverse missions to promote specific community interactions:

  1. Modular Power Missions (MPP): Daily solo missions focusing on construction, maintenance, or improvements within human settlements. Successful completion rewards players with Futuros, meeting the “Minimum World PU Requirement” of their respective world. (e.g., 360 PU/month on Onteco Mars, 54 PU/month on Pyrarx Desert City).
  2. Multiplayer Power Strategies (MPS): Weekly competitive missions between Brigades involving trivia, e-sports, crafting, and other activities. High-performing teams gain substantial Power Units (PU), crucial for fostering active collaboration and competition within the community.
  3. Management Power Networks (MPN): Monthly collaborative missions sponsored by external entities such as NASA. These require strategic cooperation among Brigades and offer rewards double those of MPS missions, emphasizing their importance and difficulty.
  4. Major Power Undertakings (MPU): These are high-stakes missions where one Brigade challenges another, wagering substantial amounts of Power Units (PUs). MPUs involve significant risks and rewards, redistributing existing PUs within the community without generating new units. Entrepreneurs can also engage Brigades through these missions to undertake specific roles, such as building infrastructure, which then generates passive PU income for the entrepreneur.

Each player has a diversity of opportunities to earn and accumulate digital wealth inside the Futuverse Ecosystem:

  • Earnings and Surplus: Any surplus PUs (earned minus the “Minimum World PU Requirement”) at the end of each month will carry over, enhancing the player’s lifestyle within the digital world.
  • Mission Participation: Daily involvement in all MPPs ensures that all players can meet their monthly PU needs, regardless of their Brigade’s performance in competitive missions. This supports solo players who positively contribute to the community while encouraging teamwork and competition through Brigades.
  • Specialization and Opportunities: Earning specialized certificates through the Futuverse Training center opens doors to more competitive Brigades seeking specific skills. With a cap of 10 members per Brigade, strategic team composition and skill diversity are essential for maximizing success and rewards. As the highest rewards in the Futuverse are associated with the group competitions, such as MPS and MPN Mission, education becomes a critical aspect to accumulate PU (and their related Futuros) in the ecosystem.

Example 1: Onteco Mars (Minimum World PU Requirement: 360 PU/month): An Explorer is part of a Brigade comprising one Citizen, two Explorers, and seven Tourists. The distribution of rewards based on the Brigade’s monthly performance in MPS missions is as follows:

  • 1st place: The Explorer could earn up to 900 PUs.
  • 4th place: Yields 202 PUs for this Explorer.
  • Last place: Results in only 56 PUs.

Additionally, if this Explorer successfully completes 90% of the Modular Power Missions (MPP) during the month, they will earn an extra 324 PUs, supplementing their total earnings significantly.

Example 2: Thalassa Floating City (Minimum World PU Requirement: 36 PU/month): A Tourist is part of a smaller Brigade consisting of one Explorer and five Tourists. The rewards distribution varies with the Brigade’s performance in MPS:

  • 1st place: The Tourist could earn up to 66 PUs.
  • 3rd place: Yields 16 PUs for this Tourist.
  • Last place: Provides only 4 PUs.

If this Tourist completes 75% of the MPP missions during the month, they will earn an additional 27 PU. Notably, if this Tourist was an early member of the community on Mars, they may have accumulated a significant amount of PUs, enhancing their lifestyle options even after spending PUs to travel from Mars to Thalassa.

Example 3: Ashia Nuclear Winter (Minimum World PU Requirement: 126 PU/month): A Citizen heads a Brigade of nine Tourists, with varying results in MPS:

  • 1st place: The Citizen could earn up to 458 PUs.
  • 6th place: Yields 80 PUs for this Citizen.
  • Last place: Results in only 29 PUs.

This Citizen may also own a power plant that trades surplus PU for Futuros. This allows them to support other community members whose PU holdings fall below the monthly requirements, ensuring their continued participation in the ecosystem. Optionally, this Citizen could convert some of the acquired Futuros into fiat currency, providing a real-world financial benefit.