Contact Us

We are here to help you with any questions, feedback, or inquiries you may have about the Futuverse™. Please feel free to reach out to us through the following channels:

PRESS: If you are interested in publishing Futuverse’s work, please contact our press office by sending an email to Please include your company profile, the projects you would like to publish, and any other relevant details.

JOIN FUTUVERSE™: For job opportunities, please send your portfolio to with the subject “Join Futuverse”. Internship inquiries should be directed to Please send non-editable PDF files with a maximum size per email of 3 MB.

COMMUNITY: Stay connected and follow the impact of Futuverse’s work through our community channels. For community-related inquiries, email us at

SOCIAL COMMITMENT OPPORTUNITIES: If you would like our help with a project, please send us an email with the subject “Social Commitment” to Attach a PDF explaining the project, a biographical overview of the people involved, timetables, and the human and/or financial resources you would like us to contribute.


We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your inquiries about Futuverse!

Futuverse™ Corporate Address: Nawee Inc, 919 North Market St, Suite 950, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA

We look forward to assisting you on your journey within the Futuverse™!