The first batch of 2,000 MIRS™ inside the Futuverse™ have been designed by globally acclaimed architects specializing in environments in hostile conditions, based on scientific studies and estimates of the Martian environment. The MIRS are located at the cliffs of Tempe Mensa on Mars.

The Minimum Individual Residential Space is located inside a tunnel that already has adequate pressure for living, protection against radiation, and views of the Martian landscape. Technically, the main function of the MIRS is to provide privacy for the user to rest, wash, cook, have fun, and work. However, it has its own pressurization system so that in emergencies, the user can stay inside safely for a period of days.

MIRS also has air and water filtering systems, batteries in case of power outages, plenty of storage space, and a super PC that controls all the MIRS home automation and works as a server for all the activities that the user may need during the day.

The MIRS is designed to be inhabited by one or two people. It also has a pair of smart windows that can work by letting in light, dimming the light, or showing the landscape of a certain area of Mars in real-time, as well as landscapes on Earth.



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The MIRS are units that are grouped in areas called Neighborhoods, located at the near ends of the cliff of the tunnel system. This area is the safest in the city and also the one that allows you to see the best landscapes through the Green-Domes.

When you own a MIRS, you have exclusive access to the Neighborhood it belongs to, with only the owners of the remaining 19 MIRS. Each Neighborhood has a Green-Dome at its end, a green space that filters the landscape with vegetation. It also has a Buffer-zone, an intermediate space that absorbs the difference in atmospheric pressure between the cliff’s tunnel system and the Martian exterior.


The city is built inside the cliff, protecting the habitats from cosmic radiation and micrometeoroids, at the same time, the rock absorbs the force produced by the air, pressurized 100 times more than the outside, in order to be inhabited. Being on the cliff allows us to have views of the Martian landscape and not just hide under the rock.

From a scientific point of view, this type of settlement is the most feasible for Mars.


The city is built inside the cliff, protecting the habitats from cosmic radiation and micrometeoroids. At the same time, the rock absorbs the force produced by the air, pressurized 100 times more than the outside, making it suitable for habitation. Being built into the cliff allows us to have views of the Martian landscape and not just hide under the rock.

From a scientific point of view, this type of settlement is the most feasible for Mars.


THE NEIGHBORHOOD, Where community is built

The MIRS are units that are grouped in areas called Neighborhoods, located at the ends of the cliff of the tunnel system. This area is the safest in the city and also the one that allows you to see the best landscapes through the Green-Domes.

When you own a MIRS, you have exclusive access to the Neighborhood it belongs to, with only the owners of the remaining 19 MIRS. Each Neighborhood has a Green-Dome at its end, a green space that filters the landscape with vegetation. It also has a Buffer-zone, an intermediate space that absorbs the difference in atmospheric pressure between the cliff’s tunnel system and the Martian exterior.



If you have an Futuverse ID (called Onteco ID on the world on Mars), it means that you are a member of Onteco Mars. Therefore, you can purchase a MIRS. Once you buy a MIRS, you become a Citizen of Mars. As a property owner on the virtual planet, you are given all the rights you can hope for. Being a citizen is the main role inside Futuverse, where we seek to create a community that prospers as a civilization.

Why owning a MIRS?


As the owner of a MIRS™ inside the Futuverse™, you become a Citizen and a highly exclusive member of the Ecosystem. Each world inside the Futuverse™ has its own Citizenships. If you do not own an Ecosystem ID, your first MIRS automatically includes one.

Additionally, as the owner of one of the first 2,000 MIRS ever minted, once the Full version is released, you will be able to vote on the evolution of all worlds inside the Futuverse™ and you will be able to travel at no cost of Tokens between the Futuverse™ Worlds once a month.

  • A symbolic NFT, an artistic digital blueprint of the first batch of MIRS. Only 2,000 MIRS will be minted until the Full version of Onteco™ Mars is released, as per the Roadmap.
  • Early access to the downloadable version of Onteco™ Mars.
  • 60 minutes to play online, allowing you to access your MIRS from any device. Additional time to play online at a 20% discount until the end of 2025.
  • Special offers and discounts on Futuverse™ courses.
  • Eligibility to purchase additional MIRS (the same wallet can own a maximum of 20 MIRS).

  • A Citizen medal displayed on your profile.
  • Access to exclusive forums for Citizens.
  • Ability to create discussion topics and proposals in common forums.
  • As a Citizen of Onteco™ Mars, you can vote on the evolution of the development phases inside Onteco™ Mars.
  • As an owner of one of the first 2,000 MIRS, you will be able to vote on the evolution of all worlds inside the Futuverse™.
  • As an owner of one of the first 2,000 MIRS, you will be able to travel at no cost of Tokens between the Futuverse™ Worlds once a month.
  • Voting rights in all member polls.
  • Exclusive access to specific areas and events for Citizens only.
  • Ability to join pre-established Brigades and earn a higher distribution percentage of Tokens than Explorers and Travelers.
  • Opportunity to create a Brigade of your own.
  • Priority over Explorers and Travelers in choosing available roles inside Missions.
  • Ability to rent your MIRS to Explorers and earn Tokens.
  • Participation in limited educational and think tank events focused on building the future.
  • Ability to rent or purchase strategic real estate inside the Futuverse™, such as retail spaces, manufacturing facilities, etc.
  • Access to exclusive events inside and outside the digital environment.
  • Ability to buy additional virtual residential real estate, owning up to 20 MIRS and having a maximum of 20 voting ballots, managed through a decentralized blockchain.
  • Ability to purchase strategic virtual real estate, such as infrastructure, development land, or power plants.