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This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to visit the spaces that we build as part of this immersive experience a little more, register for free and find out step by step what we are creating. Soon you will be able to move through a Virtual Reality experience. Soon, we’ll integrate the Blockchain system.
The Futuverse™ is huge, but the good thing is that we already have it there. Leave your data, join the Onteco community!

Become a Martian and determine how communities on the red planet will live:
Own a MIRS™ (Minimum Individual Residential Space) backed by NFTs, consisting of a private and customizable apartment of 25m2 and access to all common areas of the buildings.
Own an NFT of a patented solution that allows you to virtually travel from Earth to Mars.
Have voting rights on critical decisions of Onteco's development, the operations of your neighborhood, and the proposals from Researchers.
Access exclusive events available for citizens only.
Have access to digital assets available for citizens only.
Pre register
More details on Onteco's Citizen rights are coming soon. Would you please pre-register and join our conversations to share your thoughts on how you would like the Citizens to enjoy their exclusive rights and what rights you would like them to have?

Adventure into a new reality on Mars:
Enjoy traveling to the Futuverse™, mission: Onteco Mars. Explore a new reality and have insights into making small changes in our lives to make Earth a better place.
Join limited educational and think tank events focused on building the future. Topics cover all aspects of creating a better world on Mars and Earth.
Experience immersive virtual environments and combine entertainment, education, and participation in digital assets.
Become part of a decentralized community of pioneers that shape the future through technology.
Pre register
More details on the Explorer role are coming soon. Would you please pre-register and join our
conversations to share your thoughts on what you would like the Explorer to do?

Scientists and Artists can create Content and extract Information from the Onteco ecosystem:
Become a content creator. Researchers can propose initiatives voted and selected by Onteco's citizens.
Earn Ontecoins™, Onteco's internal currency, and exclusive collectibles based on the performance of your ideas inside our community.
Access the open-source data available from the ecosystem and its big data and machine learning. In Web 3.0, data is transparent, and Onteco shares the intelligence created by the community back to the researchers.
Enjoy exclusive educational and think tank events focused on building the future. Topics cover all aspects of creating a better world on Mars and Earth.
Pre register
More details on Onteco's Researcher role are coming soon. Would you please pre-register and join our conversations to share your thoughts on what you would like the Researcher to do?